Reform Youth










Our ask, your move.

Open letter closed - thank you for supporting this campaign!

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To Nigel Farage

We, the undersigned, heard your campaign update on the 4th June that spoke of the younger generation. Your message of hard work, and of the lack of representation that we have has resonated with us. We come from a myriad of backgrounds, some have never voted before, many are disaffected members of the Conservative party, and some cast their first-ever vote for UKIP all the way back in 2015. These years have been immensely difficult for us, and have damaged our faith in politics and politicians. In a Reform UK under your leadership, we see an opportunity to mend this bridge between the youth and politics, to create policy which ensures the prosperity of the young of this country, and not only heals the damage this country has suffered under the last 14 years, but builds a Britain that prospers beyond it. We are writing to make the following promise: if you, and Reform UK, agree to the following conditions, we will:


For us to put our faith in Reform, we require Reform Youth to be set up for all members of Reform under the age of 30 to serve as pro-youth policy-making base for the party and to raise funds and campaign for Reform. The party must guarantee its autonomy, and be free from the impositions other parties put on their youth wing, which has rendered them incapable of delivering the policy the youth of this country needs. For Reform UK to be a vehicle for the prosperity of the young in Britain, we require a Reform Youth.

#2 - Halt Immigration and Increase Housebuilding

The principle threat to our well-being as young people is the cost of housing. These costs leave us paying half of our salaries to landlords, while the remainder is sapped by utilities and the cost of food. The cause of the housing crisis is two-fold: On the demand side, we have record high levels of immigration. On the supply side, we have record low levels of housebuilding. The ideal of hard work that you put forward in your campaign update, and that Reform wishes to embody will not be possible if the rewards for hard work are cheaper wages and costlier rents. For Reform UK to be the party that celebrates hard work, it must provide the incentives to reward hard work by committing to an immigration halt, and to increasing housebuilding.

#3 - Restore Education

The current university system does not privilege hard work, and instead has become a glorified visa route into the country. Reform UK must enable those aiming to pursue high-quality education that is in the national interest. For Reform UK to be a party that celebrates education, Reform UK must restore the UKIP promise to abolish tuition fees for STEM subjects, remove interest rates on tuition fees, and remove the Graduate route on student visas.

#4 - End the Regulation of Our Lives

In the past 14 years, not only have we become poorer, less educated, and had the incentives for hard work removed, but had our liberties stripped from us to enjoy our lives as we wish. Smoking and vape bans, alcohol and speech regulations have not only made Britain poorer, but less free and a less enjoyable place to be as a young person. These regulations, and the organisations that support them must be repealed and rebuffed. For Reform UK to be a party that makes Britain a good place to be young, Reform UK must repeal the smoking and vaping bans, and commit to no funding of any organisation which aims to curtail our speech and our ability to express our views.